On this page, you can download conference papers, transcripts of talks, short articles, and other work in progress. More formally published works are at the “Publications” tab.


Formative assessment and self-regulated learning (AERA conference, April)

Från lärare till skolor: Om att införa formativ bedömning i större skala (AERA 2009)

Bedömning för lärande: varför, vad och hur? (IOE inaugural lecture 2007)


Devising learning progressions (AERA conference, April)

What assessment can, and cannot, do (Pedagogiska Magasinet, September)

Evidence to Bew Inquiry into assessment in primary schools (November)

Preparing students for a world we cannot imagine (Salzburg Global Seminar, December)


Teacher quality: how to get more of it (Spectator ‘Schools Revolution’ conference, March)


Scaling up formative assessment (AERA conference, April)

Scoping a vision for formative e-assessment (Final project report for JISC, April)


Formative assessment and student achievement (NCME conference, March)

Context beats exam tables in search for best schools (Guardian Online)


Tight but loose: a framework for scaling up school reform (AERA conference)

Keeping learning on track in new teacher induction (AERA conference)

An index of sensitivity to instruction.doc (AERA conference)

Diagnostic items: what makes a student’s response interpretable? (NCME conference)

Assessment in the UK: lessons from the US (Westminster Education Forum, October)


Does assessment hinder learning? (ETS Breakfast seminar, July)

Diagnostic items: is there value in just one? (NCME conference)

A history of large-scale testing in the USA (work in progress)

Assessment for learning: why, what and how? (Cambridge Assessment Network talk)


Keeping learning on track (AAMT conference)

Assessment for learning: improving learning and test scores (RBS Currents article)

Measuring intelligence: how can we move forward? (AERA conference)

Class-size reduction and policy alternatives (Briefing note)


Keeping learning on track: integrating assessment with instruction (IAEA conference)

Assessment and the regulation of learning (NCME conference)

Access to Medicine: a review of research on selection for medical education


I don’t appear to have written anything in 2003...


Linking research and practice: knowledge transfer or creation (PME-NA conference)


Level best: Levels of attainment in national curriculum assessment (ATL)


Integrating formative and summative functions of assessment (AEA-E 2000 paper)

Integrating formative and summative functions of assessment (ICME 9 WGA 10 paper)

Constructing identity in the mathematics classroom (MES 2 conference)

Response to Renuka Vithal (MES 2 conference)


Types of research in mathematics education (PME 23 paper)

The half-second delay: what follows? (ECER 1999 paper)

Computer-aided diagnostic analysis of test data (IAEA 1999 paper)


Construct-referenced assessment of authentic tasks (IAEA 1998 paper)

Being mathematical versus mathematical be-ing (BERA 1998 paper)

Enculturating learners into a community of practice (ECER 1998 paper)

The validity of teachers' assessments (PME 22 paper)

Open ends and open beginnings (PME 22 paper)

Inside the black box (US version)


Construct-referenced assessment of authentic tasks (EARLI 1997 paper)

How to do things with assessments (PME 21 paper)

Relevance as McGuffin in Mathematics Education (BERA 1997 paper)

Effective teachers of numeracy—final report (Teacher Training Agency project)


Towards a philosophy for educational assessment (BERA 1994 paper)

Assessing authentic tasks (Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education paper)

